Veronica Díaz López
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Fourth Paragraph, "Cause- Effect": "Environmental Pollution"
People are damaging their environment and day by day the weather is changing. Many magazines, TV programs, newspapers and other media talk about that. our world has many canges because people don't take care about little actions that are polluting our environment. First action is that "People thorw garbage anywhere", that is to say when people walk in the street they throw garbage and don't think that is a big problem. The second action that affect the environment is "Cars Pollution", this problem is very common when you drive your car, if you travel to México City you can see that in the sky , the clouds are like grayish because the pollution in México is bigger than in other places, for example, like in México there are many people consequently there are many cars and for this reason the cars' smog provokes environmental pollution. Lastly, the third action that is damaging the environment is "Factory Pollution". The Factories throw their residues to the water and the field and this residues are the causes of environmental pollution. Finally, I only want to say that the environmental has a lot of pollution and we are guilty for all the actions that are carry out every day.
Third Paragraph "Comparative" "My Parents´ House and My New House"
I think that my parents’ house is better for some reasons. One difference is concerning the size of the two houses; my parents’ house is bigger than my new house because has more bathrooms and bedrooms than my new house. In my parents’ house there are two terraces, in contrast, in my new house there is only a patio; if I talk about the size and the comfort of the houses, the bedrooms, the bathrooms, the dinning room, and the living room are bigger and more comfortable than my parents’ house than my new house. Finally, concerning the beauty of the rooms, in my parents’ house the rooms are better and more beautiful than in my new house because in my parents’ house has a home theatre. For all the reasons, mentioned above I prefer my parents’ house because has more comfortable things and rooms.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Paragraph 4: Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STD)
There are some effects of STD that result from having sex or contact with the blood of on infected person. The first effect is presenting symptoms for example: pale skin, hair loss, and the appearance of grains and so on. The second, If you present some sympoms, may be you can have AIDS for most segurity, you should go to a medical test, If your positive result, you provider of AIDS. Finally, you can die in one year or may be in months. if you have precaution you can live more time and healthies. STD have some negative consequences that may lead people to death.
Paragraph 3: Harry Potter vs The Lord of the Rings
There are some similar characteristics between Harry Potter and The Lord of the rings. One similar characteristic is the popularity in U.S.A. and England because many people see these movies in the cinema and purchased them. another chaaracteristic in common the fiction, buth are very interesting, have various scenes that show castles, dragons, very beautiful landscapes that only exist in your imagination. finally, the last similar characteristic is the magic because there are many peoplethat used the magic in these movies. Buth are some movies very good, but I prefer Harry Potter because is most interesting that The Lord of the rings.
CAUSE-EFFECT paragraph 4
At present time many people are very obsessive with their appearance, sometimes the people are confused about they consume think that eating less is healthy but that not is true. This problem called Anorexia is more common in people between 15 to 20 years old. Many girls have a strict diet and they suppress a lot groups of food like meat. milk and eggs etc, according to the last survey in Mexico by the Mexican Council of Nourishment in January 2007. Thousand girls around the world suffer many disorders in their health like ulcers, loss of hair, dry skin, bad vision and mental lagoons;moreover, they have social diseases like autism, low-self esteem and isolation. other damage is psycological disease the girls with this problem think that they are fat when in reallity they look very skinni and unhealthy;futhermore, in severe cases these girls can become mad. Finally it is very importand recognize these signals and know that Anorexia has negative effects on teenagers.
COMPARATIVE paragraph 3
It is verify the children live better when they live in a paceful home;incontrast, to children who suffer violence. There are many reasons because the life is very different in both cases for example: Children with paceful lives they have ability to talk with other people; and they can get better grades and they can smile and get fun moments with other children; ontheotherhand, children who suffer violence it is difficult for them to sahre with other;thus, they can not get good grades other aspect is that they usually cry and look very sad, Finally when one person suffers violence their life differs in many aspects because all humans need to livee in pace, love and harmony.
Specialists in the study of cancer say that the principal causes of cancer are three; first, when people stay much time in the sun, it can cause cancer in the skin; Second, when the people smokc, it can cause cancer in the lungs; Finally, when the people eat food that has conservative substances, it can cause cancer in the stomach.These are some of the main causes of cancer that should be considered by people in order to reduce this serious disease.
Specialists in the study of cancer say that the principal causes of cancer are three; first, when people stay much time in the sun, it can cause cancer in the skin; Second, when the people smokc, it can cause cancer in the lungs; Finally, when the people eat food that has conservative substances, it can cause cancer in the stomach.These are some of the main causes of cancer that should be considered by people in order to reduce this serious disease.
There are many reasons why I think that Fernando Colunga is better than Aaron Diaz. I think that Fernando Colunga is a better acter than Aaron Diaz because ha has acted in more soapoperas than Aaron Diaz; in addition , Fernando Colunga is more intelligent than Aaron Diaz bacause ha has a carreer; in contrast to Aaron Diaz who did not study, Also Fernando Colunga is a better person becase Aaron Diaz is very ugly with his fans and Fernando Colunga is a good person with his fans. Fernando is more ellegant than Aaron bacause Aaron is more casual, also Fernando is more formal than Aaron.These differences make Fernando Colunga the best Mexican acter.
There are many reasons why I think that Fernando Colunga is better than Aaron Diaz. I think that Fernando Colunga is a better acter than Aaron Diaz because ha has acted in more soapoperas than Aaron Diaz; in addition , Fernando Colunga is more intelligent than Aaron Diaz bacause ha has a carreer; in contrast to Aaron Diaz who did not study, Also Fernando Colunga is a better person becase Aaron Diaz is very ugly with his fans and Fernando Colunga is a good person with his fans. Fernando is more ellegant than Aaron bacause Aaron is more casual, also Fernando is more formal than Aaron.These differences make Fernando Colunga the best Mexican acter.
In my graduation there were many special events for me. My classmates and I were in the celebration of the High School with our families and we recceived our certificate. This celebration was in a nice place, bacause when finally the celebration of the High School ended, we made a party, in the party each of us said some words of farewell and ate potatous , fruit, cake, and drank beer and tequila. Then some classmates gave us some presents. All nigth we went to a party that our parents made for us, in this party there were many people, for example, all the families of my classmates, friends and partners, also there was a band, food, beer,and tequila. Before eating, we danced all nigth; Finally, we were very relaxed and happys but also sad, because in this party was the last time that we were together. For these reasons this day was very spacial for me and, Iwill never forget this day.
In my graduation there were many special events for me. My classmates and I were in the celebration of the High School with our families and we recceived our certificate. This celebration was in a nice place, bacause when finally the celebration of the High School ended, we made a party, in the party each of us said some words of farewell and ate potatous , fruit, cake, and drank beer and tequila. Then some classmates gave us some presents. All nigth we went to a party that our parents made for us, in this party there were many people, for example, all the families of my classmates, friends and partners, also there was a band, food, beer,and tequila. Before eating, we danced all nigth; Finally, we were very relaxed and happys but also sad, because in this party was the last time that we were together. For these reasons this day was very spacial for me and, Iwill never forget this day.
Aaron Diaz has some characteristics that make him special. First, he is a good actor, de is very atent with the girl, he is honest with his fans . Second, he is very, very handsome, he is not stuck-up, he is attractive and intelligent. For me, he is the best actor in Mexico, because he has all that one person needs for being special. Also he has style for doing the things, for example, he acted very well in the sopoppera "Clase 406". The last, he sing very well, for example, when he sang a song with Dulce Maria. For these resons Aaron Diaz is a good person for me.
Aaron Diaz has some characteristics that make him special. First, he is a good actor, de is very atent with the girl, he is honest with his fans . Second, he is very, very handsome, he is not stuck-up, he is attractive and intelligent. For me, he is the best actor in Mexico, because he has all that one person needs for being special. Also he has style for doing the things, for example, he acted very well in the sopoppera "Clase 406". The last, he sing very well, for example, when he sang a song with Dulce Maria. For these resons Aaron Diaz is a good person for me.
Friday, November 23, 2007
P 4: Causes of Global Warming

Global warming is provoked by a lot of things. The statistics say that the principal cause are the factories that produce the 80 percent of pollution in the air. The other 20% of pollution on air is because of the CO2 of cars. Other thing that produces global warming is the contamination of water on seas and lakes. Ac
cording to information given by a private investigation of Greenpeace, says that the pollution of water is 90 percent due to the use of detergents and other non-biodebase solutions that people use in daily life. So, we need to avoid the use of this kind of things because is up to us to stop the global warming.

P 3 ...Differences between San Luis Potosì & Aguascalientes

There are many differences between these cities. In Aguascalientes there is the San Marcos fair on April. San Marcos fair is similar to a big, big party in all the streets of the city, you can drink everywhere, it has "tambora", you can dance all night long. Also, in this fair there aren’t halls or aquatic park. Instead, on San Luis Potosì fair you can drink only in a restricted area where the discotheques are, it has industrial, artesanal, commercial, etc. halls. Another difference are the customs. In Aguascalientes they expect to the god child who brings toys to children on December 25th. Instead, in San Luis Potosì we expect to Santa Claus. That is because Aguascalientes is more religious than San Luis Potosì. Other thing is the weather: Aguascalientes has an extreme weather, when is hot, is really hot or cold. In San Luis Potosì the weather is warmer. Well I think that each city has specific characteristics that make them different to each other.
Paragraph 3: The differences of two important singers for me.

I like two singers that sing good music but there are some differences between them.
First Juan Son (Porter) has a curly hair and is spongier than Pepe (Panda), because the style is different. Other thing is the way of dressing of both singers, for example Juan Son has a crazier way to dress, sometimes he wears costumes when he sings like ice cream, bear, or without shirt; in contrast, Pepe dressing like a normal young person but I think that Juan Son is more original than Pepe in this aspect.
Another difference my favorite singers is when Juan sings is less noise than Pepe and sometimes changes the style of voice and is friendlier than the handsome of Pepe.
The next difference is that Juan son has fewer trajectories than Pepe, this guy has more records and also is older than Juan Son, for example Juan is a student of the university and Pepe has a career. In addition Juan Son is more creative than Pepe for example the design of the records is unique.
In conclusion both singers are very famous and sing very well for me but there are a lot differences that make themselves unique and original.
First Juan Son (Porter) has a curly hair and is spongier than Pepe (Panda), because the style is different. Other thing is the way of dressing of both singers, for example Juan Son has a crazier way to dress, sometimes he wears costumes when he sings like ice cream, bear, or without shirt; in contrast, Pepe dressing like a normal young person but I think that Juan Son is more original than Pepe in this aspect.
Another difference my favorite singers is when Juan sings is less noise than Pepe and sometimes changes the style of voice and is friendlier than the handsome of Pepe.
The next difference is that Juan son has fewer trajectories than Pepe, this guy has more records and also is older than Juan Son, for example Juan is a student of the university and Pepe has a career. In addition Juan Son is more creative than Pepe for example the design of the records is unique.
In conclusion both singers are very famous and sing very well for me but there are a lot differences that make themselves unique and original.
Paragraph 4: The fast food

There are some bad effects that can provoke eating fast food and damage the organism.
Eating junk food can be dangerous for the healthy in agreement with some doctors the majority of the people that always eat fast food have overweight in addition frequently have problems in their heart, such as cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and even the death.
Fast food is bad nutrition and is unhealthy. In conclusion we should learn which food is good in order to avoid the causes of problems in the health.
Paragraph four: Suicide
Some people take the decision of committing suicide for some reasons. That is, some people have low self-steem because they have many problems with their families, friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, and so on. Other cause is the stress and depression; according to statistics offered by INEGI, 85% of the people are in depression. Some people have social and emotional changes maybe because they do not have a job or they are discriminated. Other reason is that many people suffer from emotional ups and dawns, for economical problems or the loss of a loved one. Due to these reasons, people decide to scape for the "false door".
Paragraph IV: The effects of San Marcos fair
There are negative effects after San Marcos fair. The first is the lack of money, because in the fair there are many places where the people spend a lot of money. Second, is the increase of garbage, an investigation says that the quantity of garbage after the fair is close to one hundred tuns. Another effect is the family problems, due to problems with late arrivals and alcoholism (that is the final point). Alcoholism, maybe is the principal effect of the fair, as a result of the big-beer selling. People says San Marcos is "the biggest tavern" in the world. San Marcos fair causes many negative effects that people should keep in mind.
Paragraph 4: Endangered Animals
Exist some reasons that are causing endangered animals. One cause is the pollution because animals can not live in a polluted environment and they die. Other cause is hunting because hunters kill animals to obtain money with their body parts for example with the ivory of elephants. Finally, the last cause is the destruction of natural environment because people build cities, towns, etc in natural areas. John Smith, a famous ecologist, sees that the 40% of animal species are endangered. These are the main problems that are cause the extinction of some species of animals.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Paragraph three UVM vs UAA
There are some differences between UVA and UAA.
One of this differences are the careers, in the UVM there are a few and the quality of the careers are not very well. In the UAA there are a lot of careers and the quaqlity is very good, many people think that is the best university in the city.
Another difference is the tuition the UVM is very expensive and they ask for money for anything, and in the UAA we only pay the tuition and it is very cheap.
The third and the last difference is the number of students that there are in the university. In the UVM thare are a few students because the numbers of careers are minimum in contrast to the UAA in which number of students is very big because there are a lot of careers. This are the three differences between the UVM and UAA.
One of this differences are the careers, in the UVM there are a few and the quality of the careers are not very well. In the UAA there are a lot of careers and the quaqlity is very good, many people think that is the best university in the city.
Another difference is the tuition the UVM is very expensive and they ask for money for anything, and in the UAA we only pay the tuition and it is very cheap.
The third and the last difference is the number of students that there are in the university. In the UVM thare are a few students because the numbers of careers are minimum in contrast to the UAA in which number of students is very big because there are a lot of careers. This are the three differences between the UVM and UAA.
Paragraph three: Traditional and extended family
There are some differences between traditional and extended families. Traditional families may include stay-at-home mothers, a working fathers, and their biological children. Also, these families live in the same house. On the other hand, extended families may include gradparents, parents, and their children; sometimes these families include aunts, uncles, and cousins. In addition, extended families live close together on the same street or on the same area. For these reasons, some people prefer to live in traditional families.
Paragraph two My Highschool Graduation
My highschool graduation was a wonderful day. That day I woke up at 9:00 am, I put on some pants and I went with the seamstreet for my drees. Then I went to my house. I took a shower and I went to the beauty parlor and here the stylist made me a hair style and put my make up.
At 2 pm I went to the "Salon de Maquinas 3 Centurias" and there the photografer arranged us (my classmates and me) he took the photo. Then I went to my house and there were my family and my boyfriend. They prepared a dinner for me. At 9:30 pm we went to the party. There I saw my friends, we danced a lot. And at around 1 am a drum arrived to the reception, I danced with my boyfriend a lot. The party finished at around 3:00 am. M y highschool graduation was an incredible day.
At 2 pm I went to the "Salon de Maquinas 3 Centurias" and there the photografer arranged us (my classmates and me) he took the photo. Then I went to my house and there were my family and my boyfriend. They prepared a dinner for me. At 9:30 pm we went to the party. There I saw my friends, we danced a lot. And at around 1 am a drum arrived to the reception, I danced with my boyfriend a lot. The party finished at around 3:00 am. M y highschool graduation was an incredible day.
paragraph III: Original movies vs Piracy movies
There are three important differences between original movies and piracy movies. The first difference is that piracy movies are cheaper than original movies, and the difference is big. Nevertheless, the second is that the original movies have better quality than the piracy movies because the sound is clearer, the close captions are better, and the image has an excellent quality (in contrast to the piracy movies that have a fateful image). Finally other difference is the legality in original movies, that is because the original movies are sold by the original directors and editors, and the money is for them (including actors, musicians, writers,etc.); on the other hand, the piracy movies are sold by someone who has copied one movie, and he or she is stealing the money which is for the original creators, that person doesn't have to pay anyone (That is the reason because is cheaper than the original). To sum um, the original movies are better than piracy movies in three important aspects.
There are two peincipal ingredients that meke Mexican food dolicious. One of this, is chili, there are many kinds of chili, some of them are really hot (like habanero chili), but others not really (like jalapeño chili). Some turists that come to Mexico and eat chili, say that is very hor. The second are the spices (pepper, garlic,salt, etc). Some of the Mexican food has a lot of spicy, some people enjoy it, but other people do not. Mexican food is delicious in whatever way you like eat.
Paragraph two: The divorce of my parents.
Three years ago, mi parents took the decision to separate because they had many economical problems. Indeed, my mother was very sad; in addition, she cried every night, but then she recovered. For this reason, I was very worried for my mother; thus, David -my brother- and I helped my mom to carry on. I miss my father a little bit because when I was with him, he was very stingy, lazy, close-minded, pessimistic, etc; moreover, he punched my mom. During that time, we were a family with fear. There was not doubt that today, my brother, my mother and I are happier without my father. In short, we were hurt for the divorce; now we area united family.
Paragraph II: My highschool graduation trip
My last day of my graduation trip was awesome. First when I and my best friend woke up, we went to the central square to buy souvenirs; we took a lot of pictures. Then we arrived to the hotel and we swam in the swiming pool, before we ate some shellfishes. Later we took a shower and we went to the night club "El Hilo"; I met a nice boy, who was from U.S.A. Finally, we arrived to the hotel, wen we listened drums at the beach (it was a Batukada), we decided to stay there all night; was wonderful because there was an amazing moon. That day was unforgettable to me.
Paragraph 1 - Madonna(by Daniel)
Madonna is the best pop singer who has four
different quialities. First, her physical appearence
is pretty, she has blue - eyes; her second quality
is that she has a wonderful voice, so her music is
very very relaxing. Another quality are her lyrics
wich are good because it talk about love; and finally
she has many famous songs like "La Isla Bonita"
and "Like a virgin" and many more. Madonna is an
exellent performer because she has many characteristics
that make her unique.
By: Daniel Ernesto Esparza Padilla.
Madonna is the best pop singer who has four
different quialities. First, her physical appearence
is pretty, she has blue - eyes; her second quality
is that she has a wonderful voice, so her music is
very very relaxing. Another quality are her lyrics
wich are good because it talk about love; and finally
she has many famous songs like "La Isla Bonita"
and "Like a virgin" and many more. Madonna is an
exellent performer because she has many characteristics
that make her unique.
By: Daniel Ernesto Esparza Padilla.
Eating in excess can cause overweight; consequently, the effects can be mortal. First, your physical condition is going to decrease and the cholesterol is going to increase. Then, in some moments you can have high blood pressure; thus, you can have diabetes. Finally, and not less important you can suffer of heart attacks which can finish with your life. In conclusion, it is necessary that you have a healthy diet to prevent these illnesses that are mainly caused by overweight.
If you do not know what kind of movie to watch, here there are some differences between comedies and horror movies. Exist several plots in movies; a comedy can have people laughing, making jokes and a lot of fun; while in horror movies the most common plots are about killing, with much blood and a lot of spooky. Also, if you see a comedy, you surely will end with a big smile on your face and will be laughing in the rest of the day; in contrast, if you see a horror movie your attitude will be different and you will have nightmares at night and will be scared and afraid. And what about characters that you can see in these movies? In comedies is common to see people like you and I, big families, friends and so on; however, in horror movies is most common to see monster, killers, phycopats and victims. And think about the most important: the audience who can watch every kind of movie. In cinemas, when you go to watch a comedy you can see families with little children and old people; on the other hand, horror movies are more for adults who are less vulnerable to get scare. Finally, in my opinion, I prefer to watch comedies, in this way, I can share feeling with my family and friends.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I have a good friend, his name is Edgar, is my classmate of my Saturday class, he has four qualities that make him special. The first quality, is that he is original, his form of dressing is unique, The second he is friendly and when I talk to him he is never boring, is intelligent and he likes to listen to good music, and the last quality is that he is handsome, his hair is original and strange the color is light brown and has some braids, he wear sun glasses, also he is tall and has cute eyes, and a cute smile.
Edgar is a guy very interesting for me, and although only I see him every Saturday I consider to him as my friend and I like him.
Edgar is a guy very interesting for me, and although only I see him every Saturday I consider to him as my friend and I like him.
Paragraph 1 My son Erick
My son Erick:
My son has some qualities that make him special. First, he is a good son, he is noble, he is tender, he is a good student. Second, he is a good friend, he is very friendly, he has facility to make friends, has a good character, he helps me to do my homework when I need. In adittion, he is very intelligent, because he learns the lesson fast; furthermore he enjoys drawing he paints beautifully, he can paint flower, animals, people, etc. Finally my son is all, is my colleague and I still I can not imagine being without him.
My son has some qualities that make him special. First, he is a good son, he is noble, he is tender, he is a good student. Second, he is a good friend, he is very friendly, he has facility to make friends, has a good character, he helps me to do my homework when I need. In adittion, he is very intelligent, because he learns the lesson fast; furthermore he enjoys drawing he paints beautifully, he can paint flower, animals, people, etc. Finally my son is all, is my colleague and I still I can not imagine being without him.
Paragraph 3: Fruits and vegetables.
There are some differences between fruits and vegetables. Fruits contain some vitamins like B1, B2, B3, and C vitamins; that help people to have a good health. In addition, they have good flavors like sweet and sour. Moreover, fruits have different colors that people like for example some fruits have yellow, orange, and purple color. On the other hand, vegetables contain a big variety of vitamins, like A, B1, B2, E, H, and K vitamins. But people do not prefer their flavors because are bad flavors like the flavor of broccoli. Furthermore, vegetables do not have a variety of colors for example a lot of vegetables only have green color. Vegetables and fruits differ in some aspects.
Saturday, November 17, 2007

In my last birthday, March 21th, I was very sad because I was new in the city and I thought that my new friends of school maybe forgot my birthday. But always my birthday is a day-off because is a holiday. But this year instead of having a day-off on 21th, we had it on Monday 19th. Well my friends agreed with me to pick me up at 12 p.m. in my house just to look around and go for a drink to celebrate the day-off. They passed for me and we went to Cynthìa`s house, in her house the blindfold me and got into the car. I started to suspect something. Like 10 or 20 minutes before I heared voices of all my classmates but my friends didn`t tell me anything, just kept driving. Finally we arrived to some place and they told me that I needed to get out of the car and walk straight. Well finally I got wet with a grass shower, I took off the blindfold and the place was a soccer field with tables, chairs, ballons and other party things. Everybody said ¡surprise! I wanted to cryed but I couldn`t. All the afternoon we played, drank beer, ate tacos, and of around 7 o`clock everybody started to say "good bye", but I and a few friends stayed for another hour and half chating and ate cake. I arrived to my home at 9 o`clock, I was very tired, dirty and with a big, big smile on my face. It was a wonderful birthday.
P 1 : My LoV3, My Ch¡ld .....Zuko0

Zuko, my lovely pet, has many qualities that make it a really good dog. It has a very good character, it never barks to people only to other dogs. It´s a very calm-playful dog, almost all the time it is shaking its tale in a happy manner. Also it is eduacate it sits infront of my mom expecting its food or it stands in two legs and walks to her; when it wants to urinate or enters to the house, it scratches the door. It´s a very caring dog, but it doesn´t if someone scratches its belly. For me is a very cute pet its breed is schanautzer, a minnie one. So I love it because is a very good pet in all ways.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Paragraph 2: My exciting birthday
My last birthday party was very exciting. My friends and I arrived to the park "La Alameda". Then we played in the games; when I was in the games some friends arrived with a big present and a cake. After we ate the cake, we began to drink beer and tequila. Two hours later, we began to get drunk, and we went to sleep on the grass. One hour later, some friends and I began to wake up, and then we went to home. When I arrieved home my mopther was very angry because I arrived too late. Finally, I took a shower and after I went to sleep. My 2007 birthday party was very fun.
Paragraph 2
My happy Day.
The happiest day in my life was when I was accepted in the University (UAA). I had been waiting for a long time. I felt that I had prepared very well to present the Exani II and my big illusion was to be accepted. That day I discovered the big news when my best friend Adrian arrived my home, at 6:30 a.m. he had boutgh the newspaper to share it with me, I felt nervious, but he knew the way to calm me down and made me smile with my results.Finally I told my big news to my parents who felt very happy too, since that day I am happy, and daily I fell very good for staying here.
Paragraph 1 "My Puppy"
There are many reasons because I love to my little pet.
My dog is very especial for me because, Its my partner it always give many kisses moreover It´s playful, when it and I play is very funny.I consider It my best friend because is faithfull and sweet with me; in adittion, I can talk all happen me in a day and It always stand by me for listen to me, play with me and It love me forever. Finally I belive that God and my family are principal in my life, but my dog has an importand place in my life too, because with It tender.
Parrafo 1: My Boyfriend
My boyfriend has some valuable characteristics that make him unique. He has a physical appearance, because, he goes to the gym every days; as a result, he has a good body, also is strong. He is hard-working, because he helps to their mother to maintain to family. He is comprehensible, because when we talk, he knows, understands me and pays attention to me. He is wonderful, and gives me all his funnier, he has good sensed of humor. He is a good person; moreover, he is very different that other mans, to give advice. Finally, for all these reasons, he is my best friend and a very special person for me.
Parrafo 2: My Last Vacations
There are same reasons so that I didn't like to go to the United States. When I arrived to my grandparents’ house, in this moment I felt happy and at same time sad; since my dear beings were not there with me but I met the family that didn’t know that existed and that was in the place where I was born. I visited Los Angeles in where there were many enormous clothes stores; also I know Cd. Juarez and part of Texas. When I was with my cousins in the family reunion; I felt same inconveniences since I didn’t know any body, I was alone to with my grandparents but that wasn’t enough; I played, dance and other activities.
I addition, every Friday I went and bought a telephone card to speak with my mother or my boyfriend; while we spoke I began to cry, I missed them very much and I wanted to return home. One day I called my mother’s house, and she told me that my father would come for me, I felt very happy, moreover; after 3 days I went for him to Tijuana and there the police found in my papers the record from born of Mexico and U.S.A., they didn’t want to let me to enter to U.S.A., neither to Mexico, in consequence; I was in the frontier five hours, so they asked me many questions about my mother and my father; I felt scared, finally; they cleared up the things and left us enter. Furthermore, in one week, I pulled out my things and we returned to Loreto. When I arrived home, I began to cry of the happiness because I saw my mother and my sisters.
I addition, every Friday I went and bought a telephone card to speak with my mother or my boyfriend; while we spoke I began to cry, I missed them very much and I wanted to return home. One day I called my mother’s house, and she told me that my father would come for me, I felt very happy, moreover; after 3 days I went for him to Tijuana and there the police found in my papers the record from born of Mexico and U.S.A., they didn’t want to let me to enter to U.S.A., neither to Mexico, in consequence; I was in the frontier five hours, so they asked me many questions about my mother and my father; I felt scared, finally; they cleared up the things and left us enter. Furthermore, in one week, I pulled out my things and we returned to Loreto. When I arrived home, I began to cry of the happiness because I saw my mother and my sisters.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Second Paragraph "Narrative"
Going to Guanajuato with my husband has been one of the best experiences of my life. We got a car because we needed the people didn’t know us because they could tell my parents. At 3:00 p.m., we decided to escape to Guanajuato because my parents didn’t want us to see each other; consequently, we went far away.
First, we went to my husband’s house because we needed clothes, money; furthermore, Luis (my husband) wanted to see his brother and to inform that we would go to Guanajuato. After that, we went with Luis’ cousin and Luis asked him for his car. We changed the car and we went to León, Guanajuato. When we were on the way, we talked about our new life, after two hours and a half we were hungry and we decided to arrive to a small restaurant. In that moment, it began to rain but we continued with our trip. We arrived at 7:00 o´clock and we started to find hotel. We searched and searched but we didn’t find a good, beautiful, and cheap hotel.
A few hours later, finally, we found a wonderful hotel.
Next day we went to Leon´s Cathedral because we needed to thank God for all things that he gave us. When we finished, we went to eat fried chicken and we bought things that we needed and we bought our “first comb”.
My parents were sending me messages because they were worried for me, I only sent a message to tell them that I was well. We returned to the hotel. Next day we went to Leon’s downtown and we knew many places and I told him that I wanted to go to “Callejón del Beso” because sometimes I listened that when people go there, they have 10 years of luck!!
The third day, we went to Guanajuato City and we visited many places, we went to the food market, to the mine, to the “Mirador Guanajuato”,to the “Exhacienda”, and near there was little house where girl sold different kinds of beverages and we drank a little.
Finally, that night we went to the “Callejón del Beso” and in the third step, we kissed each other.After we went to the hotel and the next day we returned to Ojocaliente.
First, we went to my husband’s house because we needed clothes, money; furthermore, Luis (my husband) wanted to see his brother and to inform that we would go to Guanajuato. After that, we went with Luis’ cousin and Luis asked him for his car. We changed the car and we went to León, Guanajuato. When we were on the way, we talked about our new life, after two hours and a half we were hungry and we decided to arrive to a small restaurant. In that moment, it began to rain but we continued with our trip. We arrived at 7:00 o´clock and we started to find hotel. We searched and searched but we didn’t find a good, beautiful, and cheap hotel.
A few hours later, finally, we found a wonderful hotel.
Next day we went to Leon´s Cathedral because we needed to thank God for all things that he gave us. When we finished, we went to eat fried chicken and we bought things that we needed and we bought our “first comb”.
My parents were sending me messages because they were worried for me, I only sent a message to tell them that I was well. We returned to the hotel. Next day we went to Leon’s downtown and we knew many places and I told him that I wanted to go to “Callejón del Beso” because sometimes I listened that when people go there, they have 10 years of luck!!
The third day, we went to Guanajuato City and we visited many places, we went to the food market, to the mine, to the “Mirador Guanajuato”,to the “Exhacienda”, and near there was little house where girl sold different kinds of beverages and we drank a little.
Finally, that night we went to the “Callejón del Beso” and in the third step, we kissed each other.After we went to the hotel and the next day we returned to Ojocaliente.
Veronica Díaz López
Prope "B"
First Paragraph "Descriptive"
I have the best of the world because I found a big man; I am talking about my husband, concerning his personality, he is very kind when he is with me, he is loving because when he looks at me he tells me with his eyes how much he loves me; if we are sitting in the living room, he plays jokes on me and he says many things that make me smile. Really I am in love with him because he has many qualities that make him unique. When I am alone, I miss him because he is very happy and he transmits me his happiness.
Considering his physical appearance, I like him because he has dark skin and brown eyes, he is thin and handsome. These are the characteristics that I wanted to find in the person that would be with me all my life.He is very special for me because his feelings and physical appearance are wonderful and he is a good person.
Considering his physical appearance, I like him because he has dark skin and brown eyes, he is thin and handsome. These are the characteristics that I wanted to find in the person that would be with me all my life.He is very special for me because his feelings and physical appearance are wonderful and he is a good person.
Veronica Díaz López
Prope "B"
I knew a lot of places in my last vacations on a trip and I really enjoyed it. I visited different cities like Veracruz, Villahermosa, Campeche, Merida and other states on the south of Mexico. Moreover, Ivisited in each city various archeological zones and I knew different cultures. Also, I went to Veracruz Aquarium, X-Caret, Hard Rock Cancun and so on. However, I think that I needed more days to visit more places. Anyway I had a relaxing and funny vacations, it was an incredible event in my life.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Tatoos are a kind of art that many people should have like to have them. Some people think that when they make tatoos is for rembering something that is special for them. Also they can show their feelings though them. Somebody said once: " I love them. There are a reflection of your being. They reflect what you want and what you are. Throgh them you express your ideas. However, you need to think thoughly on what you are going to get so that you don't regret later. They are a choice for the rest of your life." In addition, they are a drawings or figures. People makes tatoos because they love it or simply because they want to have one for having an unique identity or be special. Even thought some people consider them as a bad example, tatoos express art, ideas, and have special meanings for many people.
There are some causes why many animals are in danger of extintion. The first cause is the hunting; hunting is one of the most important aspects because for this reason many animals disappear or almost disappear, and some animals live in captivity in zoos, in organizations for preserving species, and other foundations. The second cause is the change of weather, many animals are extint, and it's due to the global warming that makes that the weather changes, and the temperature affects the animals and they die, and also their food is scarce. Finally, for all these causes many animals are in danger of extintion and the only way for preserving the species is to have them in captivity.
There are some differences between San Juan de los Lagos and Aguascalientes. The first difference is the age: San Juan is aproximately 450 years old and Aguscalientes is 432 years old.The second difference are the traditions, in San Juan the most important is the party of a virgin Mary on August 15th as well as in Aguscalientes, but this state has many traditions like fair of San Marcos's and the Festival of Skulls. The final difference is the size San Juan is smaller than Aguascalientes because San Jan has 1' 502,269 km2 and Aguascalientes has 2'158,569 km2. Finally, San Juan de los Lagos and Aguascalientes have many differences, but both are great cities.
In the day when I wasn't accepted in the UDG some terrible things happened, but at the end things are better. It was in the morning when I woke up early because my family and I went to Aguascalientes for having a dinner. When we returned home in the middle of the road, we saw an accident; in this accident three people died and I felt bad because was very amazing to see the dead people on the road. When I arrived home I was restless because I wanted to know the result, but when I cheked the results I cried because I wasn't accepted, and called all my friends and told they that I was rejected, also I felt depressed, but finally, I know that things happen for one reason, and believe that the reason is that now I have an opportunity to meet these classmates, friends, and teachers that are wonderful, and I think that at the moment is the best thing that has happened to me, and no matter if a day seems terrible at the begining because at the end you can find good things and everything happens for one reason. The best things is for coming, don't forget this.
The Egyptian culture is one of the most famous cultures in the world. There are some aspects of the Egyptian culture that make it interesting.
The Egyptian built pyramids because they belived that this is the last place to stay. The most famous pyramids are the Keops, Kefren, and Miserinos. Other aspect that is characteristic of this culture is the faraon; the faraon is the person who is the maximum authority. When the faraon died they were deposit in the pyramids with other things they could need. The mummys are the most representative in this culture. They had their own method to be mummify the bodies, it was consider one ritual for them because they belived in the life after the death.
Finally, the Egyptian culture is interesting because they have aspects very important and we could learn more about this culture if we dedicated more time for the investigation.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Paragraph 1: My Juancho Lopez canary
My canary was a good pet. It was not a dangerous pet, it did not hurt my family. Furthermore, it sang very well in the mornings. ALso it was vary funny and it was not sad. In addtition, it was a good pet because it was little and did not need a big place to live. Moreover, my canary did not eat a lot, so it was economical. It ate fruit and cereal. In conclusion, the best pet that I have ever had was my canary.
Paragraph 1: "Nelly, mi best friend"
Nelly has many qualities, but she has three important faults. She is a good friend; some of her main virtues are: she is outgoing, reiliable, honest, punctual, cheerful, etc. On the other hand; her three important defects are: first, she is pessimistic, that is, she does not trust in herself. Second, she is inconsiderate; for example, she says everything that she feel; sometimes, she hurts many people. Finally, she is stingy because she wants everithing for herserlf, she does not share anything. However, Nelly is beloved by many people, but she is hated for other persons because she is fickle.
paragraph 1: My mom
There are some principal chracteristics about my mom. She is a middle age woman, she has short-brown hair, she is thin, she has big eyes, she is average height and almost everybody that knows her says that my mom is pretty. In additon, my mom is a hard-working woman because she hes lasted 26 years in her job, she is reliable because I can trust her, and she is unselfish, she always wants to help other people. To sum up my mom has some qualities that make her special.
Every year in Christmas my family and I celebrate this special day. All the family is very happy and enjoys all the day together.
Last Christmas was very important for me, because the mayority of my family was together. I was waiting for my cousin, she is my favorite cousin and my friend. The grandma´s house smelled very well. We got ready for the dinner like at 10:00 pm.
This day there was a lot variety of delicious food (turkey, soup, tamales, and pozole), I ate everything a little bit, the dinner was very good.
When we finished dinner, each one expressed some desaires while an uncle was taking photos and other one was filming the special moment. After, each member exchanged the corresponding present, it was a moment funny because all the family was trilled when we opened the presents. My grandpa gave a sweater, a scarf an gloves.
After my cousins and I went to break "piñatas" as that nigth was very cold we returned to the house and drank "ponche".
It was 12 o clock and drank to feat this special day for all my family, waiting for Christmas and everybody was grateful that we were joined that night.
Last Christmas was very important for me, because the mayority of my family was together. I was waiting for my cousin, she is my favorite cousin and my friend. The grandma´s house smelled very well. We got ready for the dinner like at 10:00 pm.
This day there was a lot variety of delicious food (turkey, soup, tamales, and pozole), I ate everything a little bit, the dinner was very good.
When we finished dinner, each one expressed some desaires while an uncle was taking photos and other one was filming the special moment. After, each member exchanged the corresponding present, it was a moment funny because all the family was trilled when we opened the presents. My grandpa gave a sweater, a scarf an gloves.
After my cousins and I went to break "piñatas" as that nigth was very cold we returned to the house and drank "ponche".
It was 12 o clock and drank to feat this special day for all my family, waiting for Christmas and everybody was grateful that we were joined that night.
There are several reasons to eat fried chicken (but not Kentuchy). The chicken is a nutritional food, scientists have proved that the meat contains more cholesterol than chicken. In addition, you can eat it with salad, it is also delicious. Moreover, the gold color and flavor are irresistible to our five senses. Fried chicken is fast to prepare, while the chicken is being fried you can prepare the complements. If you eat chicken, you will taste that it is a delicious and nutritional food at the same time.
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